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Kings Meadows, Six Ways, South Launceston, Hospital to City

Routes in this section

110, 145, 146, 147, 792, 794, 796

Southern Turn Up & Go: Kings Meadows, Six Ways, South Launceston (Wellington St), Hospital to City (includes Route 110 services to/from University)

Route 110: Kings Meadows via Six Ways, South Launceston, Hospital, City, Invermay & Mowbray

Route 145: Youngtown (Poplar Pde) via Hobart Rd, Kings Meadows, Six Ways, South Launceston & Hospital

Route 146: Clarendon St & Waroona St via Kings Meadows, Six Ways, South Launceston & Hospital

Route 147: Chifley St & Ainslie Grove via Kings Meadows, Six Ways, South Launceston & Hospital

*Route 792: Evandale via Hobart Rd, Kings Meadows, Six Ways, South Launceston & Hospital

*Route 794: Longford via Hobart Rd, Kings Meadows, Six Ways, South Launceston & Hospital

*Route 796: Cressy via Longford, Hobart Rd, Kings Meadows, Six Ways, South Launceston & Hospital

*Routes 792, 794 & 796 are operated by Tassielink Transit

Monday to Friday
ROUTE NUMBER 145 110 145 794 110 145 146 110 147 145 146 796 110 792 147 145 110 110 145 110 145 794 110 145 110 145 796 110 145 110 792 145 110 145 110 145 794 110 145 110 145 796 110 145 110 110 792 145 110 145 110 145 796 110 145 110 145 110 145 110 145 110 145 796 145 145 145 145
am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
Kings Meadows Shops, Hobart Rd 6:35 6:52 7:04 7:17 7:24 7:34 s7:42 7:52 s7:54 8:00 8:11 8:15 8:21 8:31 8:38 8:40 - 8:52 9:07 9:22 9:37 9:45 9:52 10:07 10:22 10:37 10:47 10:52 11:07 11:22 11:31 11:37 11:52 12:07 12:22 12:37 12:45 12:52 1:07 1:22 1:37 1:45 1:52 2:07 2:22 - 2:31 2:37 2:51 3:06 3:21 3:36 3:47 3:51 4:06 4:21 4:36 4:51 5:06 5:21 5:36 5:51 6:06 6:12 6:46 7:46 8:46 9:46
Sth Launceston, Six Ways/Hobart Rd 6:37 6:54 7:06 7:20 7:26 7:36 s7:44 7:54 s7:56 8:03 8:14 8:18 8:24 8:34 8:41 8:43 - 8:54 9:09 9:24 9:39 9:48 9:54 10:09 10:24 10:39 10:50 10:54 11:09 11:24 11:34 11:39 11:54 12:09 12:24 12:39 12:48 12:54 1:09 1:24 1:39 1:48 1:54 2:09 2:24 - 2:34 2:39 2:54 3:09 3:23 3:38 3:50 3:53 4:08 4:23 4:38 4:53 5:08 5:23 5:38 5:53 6:08 6:15 6:48 7:48 8:48 9:48
Sth Launceston, Wellington St/Thistle St 6:40 6:57 7:09 7:22 7:29 7:40 s7:48 7:58 s8:00 8:07 8:18 8:20 8:28 8:36 8:45 8:47 - 8:58 9:13 9:28 9:43 9:50 9:58 10:13 10:28 10:43 10:52 10:58 11:13 11:28 11:36 11:43 11:58 12:13 12:28 12:43 12:50 12:58 1:13 1:28 1:43 1:50 1:58 2:13 2:28 - 2:36 2:43 2:58 3:13 3:27 3:42 3:52 3:57 4:12 4:27 4:42 4:57 5:12 5:27 5:42 5:57 6:12 6:17 6:51 7:51 8:51 9:51
Launceston General Hospital, Charles St 6:42 6:59 7:11 7:25 7:32 7:43 s7:51 8:01 s8:03 8:10 8:21 8:23 8:31 8:39 8:48 8:50 - 9:01 9:16 9:31 9:46 9:53 10:01 10:16 10:31 10:46 10:55 11:01 11:16 11:31 11:39 11:46 12:01 12:16 12:31 12:46 12:53 1:01 1:16 1:31 1:46 1:53 2:01 2:16 2:31 - 2:39 2:46 3:01 3:16 3:30 3:45 3:55 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:20 6:53 7:53 8:53 9:53
Launceston City, St John St Stop A1 6:46 7:05 7:15 - 7:38 7:47 s7:56 8:08 s8:08 8:15 8:26 - 8:38 - 8:53 8:55 8:50 9:08 9:20 9:38 9:50 - 10:08 10:20 10:38 10:50 - 11:08 11:20 11:38 - 11:50 12:08 12:20 12:38 12:50 - 1:08 1:20 1:38 1:50 - 2:08 2:20 2:38 2:20 - 2:50 3:08 3:21 3:38 3:50 - 4:08 4:19 4:38 4:49 5:08 5:19 5:38 5:49 6:08 6:19 - 6:57 7:57 8:57 9:57
Launceston City, York St - - - 7:30 - - - - - - - 8:28 - 8:44 - - - - - - - 9:58 - - - - 11:00 - - - 11:44 - - - - - 12:58 - - - - 1:58 - - - - 2:44 - - - - - 4:00 - - - - - - - - - - 6:25 - - - -
Mowbray Shops, Invermay Rd - 7:14 - - 7:48 - - 8:19 - - - - 8:50 - - - 9:01 9:19 - 9:49 - - 10:19 - 10:49 - - 11:19 - 11:49 - - 12:19 - 12:49 - - 1:19 - 1:49 - - 2:19 - 2:49 2:31 - - 3:20 - 3:50 - - 4:19 - 4:49 - 5:19 - 5:48 - 6:18 - - - - - -
University, Newnham/Maritime Way - 7:17 - - 7:51 - - 8:23 - - - - 8:54 - - - 9:05 9:23 - 9:53 - - 10:23 - 10:53 - - 11:23 - 11:53 - - 12:23 - 12:53 - - 1:23 - 1:53 - - 2:23 - 2:53 2:35 - - 3:24 - 3:54 - - 4:23 - 4:53 - 5:23 - 5:52 - 6:22 - - - - - -
ROUTE NUMBER 145 145 796 110 145 792 145 110 145 794 145 110 145 796 145 110 145 792 145 110 145 145 145 145 145
am am am am am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
Kings Meadows Shops, Hobart Rd 8:10 9:11 9:11 - 10:11 10:47 11:11 - 12:11 12:22 1:11 - 2:11 3:11 3:11 - 4:11 4:49 5:10 - 6:07 7:07 7:47 8:47 9:47
Sth Launceston, Six Ways/Hobart Rd 8:12 9:13 9:14 - 10:13 10:50 11:13 - 12:13 12:25 1:13 - 2:13 3:14 3:13 - 4:13 4:52 5:12 - 6:08 7:08 7:48 8:48 9:48
Sth Launceston, Wellington St/Thistle St 8:15 9:17 9:16 - 10:17 10:52 11:17 - 12:17 12:27 1:17 - 2:17 3:16 3:17 - 4:17 4:54 5:15 - 6:11 7:11 7:51 8:51 9:51
Launceston General Hospital, Charles St 8:17 9:19 9:19 - 10:19 10:55 11:19 - 12:19 12:30 1:19 - 2:19 3:19 3:19 - 4:19 4:57 5:17 - 6:13 7:13 7:53 8:53 9:53
Launceston City, St John St Stop A1 8:21 9:23 - 9:30 10:23 - 11:23 11:30 12:23 - 1:23 1:30 2:23 - 3:23 3:30 4:23 - 5:21 5:30 6:16 7:16 7:56 8:56 9:56
Launceston City, York St - - 9:24 - - 11:00 - - - 12:35 - - - 3:24 - - - 5:02 - - - - - - -
Mowbray Shops, Invermay Rd - - - 9:40 - - - 11:40 - - - 1:40 - - - 3:40 - - - 5:40 - - - - -
University, Newnham/Maritime Way - - - 9:44 - - - 11:44 - - - 1:44 - - - 3:44 - - - 5:44 - - - - -
Sunday and Public Holidays
ROUTE NUMBER 145 796 145 145 792 145 145 145 796 794 145 145 792 145 145
am am am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
Kings Meadows Shops, Hobart Rd 8:47 9:11 9:47 10:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 1:47 3:11 12:22 2:47 3:47 4:49 4:47 5:47
Sth Launceston, Six Ways/Hobart Rd 8:49 9:14 9:49 10:49 10:50 11:49 12:49 1:49 3:14 12:25 2:49 3:49 4:52 4:49 5:49
Sth Launceston, Wellington St/Thistle St 8:52 9:16 9:52 10:52 10:52 11:52 12:52 1:52 3:16 12:27 2:52 3:52 4:54 4:52 5:52
Launceston General Hospital, Charles St 8:54 9:19 9:54 10:54 10:55 11:54 12:54 1:54 3:19 12:30 2:54 3:54 4:57 4:54 5:54
Launceston City, York St - 9:24 - - 11:00 - - - 3:24 12:35 - - 5:02 - -
Launceston City, St John St 8:57 - 9:57 10:57 - 11:57 12:57 1:57 - - 2:57 3:57 - 4:57 5:57
sService operates on school days only
Monday to Friday
ROUTE NUMBER 145 145 145 110 145 110 794 110 145 796 145 110 145 110 145 110 792 145 110 145 110 794 145 110 145 110 796 145 110 145 110 792 145 110 145 110 796 145 110 110 145 145 792 110 145 146 110 147 796 145 110 146 796 145 146 110 147 145 110 792 145 146 110 147 796 145 110 145 110 794 145 145 145 145
am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
University, Newnham/Maritime Way - - - d7:39 - 8:09 - 8:38 - - - 8:57 - 9:08 - 9:38 - - 10:08 - 10:38 - - 11:08 - 11:38 - - 12:08 - 12:38 - - 1:08 - 1:38 - - 2:26 2:08 - - - 2:38 - - 3:08 - - - 3:40 - - - - 4:10 - - 4:40 - - - 5:10 - - - 5:40 - 6:10 - - - - -
Mowbray Shops, Invermay Rd - - - d7:44 - 8:15 - 8:44 - - - 9:03 - 9:13 - 9:43 - - 10:13 - 10:43 - - 11:13 - 11:43 - - 12:13 - 12:43 - - 1:13 - 1:43 - - 2:31 2:13 - - - 2:43 - - 3:13 - - - 3:45 - - - - 4:15 - - 4:45 - - - 5:15 - - - 5:45 - 6:15 - - - - -
Launceston City, St John St Stop A1 - 7:14 7:39 d7:59 8:14 8:29 8:35 8:59 8:44 8:50 8:59 9:14 9:11 9:26 9:41 9:56 10:05 10:11 10:26 10:41 10:56 11:05 11:11 11:26 11:41 11:56 12:05 12:11 12:26 12:41 12:56 1:05 1:11 1:26 1:41 1:56 2:05 2:11 2:42 2:26 y2:41 v2:41 2:45 2:56 3:09 3:19 3:27 3:38 s3:40 3:44 3:58 s4:02 4:05 4:10 4:20 4:29 4:35 4:45 4:59 5:05 5:10 5:20 5:28 5:35 5:39 5:42 5:57 6:12 6:27 6:42 7:18 8:18 9:18 10:18
Launceston General Hospital, Charles St - 7:17 7:42 d8:02 8:18 8:33 8:40 9:02 8:47 8:55 9:02 - 9:14 9:29 9:44 9:59 10:10 10:14 10:29 10:44 10:59 11:10 11:14 11:29 11:44 11:59 12:10 12:14 12:29 12:44 12:59 1:10 1:14 1:29 1:44 1:59 2:10 2:14 - 2:29 y2:44 v2:44 2:50 2:59 3:12 3:22 3:30 3:41 s3:45 3:47 4:03 s4:05 4:10 4:14 4:24 4:33 4:39 4:49 5:04 5:10 5:14 5:24 5:33 5:39 5:44 5:46 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:47 7:21 8:21 9:21 10:21
Sth Launceston, Wellington St/Garfield St t6:46 7:20 7:45 d8:06 8:22 8:37 8:42 9:06 8:51 8:57 9:06 - 9:18 9:33 9:48 10:03 10:12 10:18 10:33 10:48 11:03 11:12 11:18 11:33 11:48 12:03 12:12 12:18 12:33 12:48 1:03 1:12 1:18 1:33 1:48 2:03 2:12 2:18 - 2:33 y2:48 v2:48 2:52 3:03 3:16 3:26 3:34 3:45 s3:47 3:51 4:07 s4:09 4:12 4:18 4:28 4:37 4:43 4:53 5:08 5:12 5:19 5:29 5:37 5:43 5:46 5:50 6:04 6:18 6:33 6:49 7:24 8:24 9:24 10:24
Sth Launceston, Six Ways/Hobart Rd t6:48 7:22 7:47 d8:09 8:25 8:40 8:45 9:09 8:54 9:00 9:09 - 9:21 9:36 9:51 10:06 10:16 10:21 10:36 10:51 11:06 11:15 11:21 11:36 11:51 12:06 12:15 12:21 12:36 12:51 1:06 1:16 1:21 1:36 1:51 2:06 2:15 2:21 - 2:36 y2:51 v2:51 2:56 3:07 3:20 3:30 3:38 3:49 s3:50 3:55 4:10 s4:13 4:15 4:21 4:31 4:40 4:46 4:56 5:11 5:16 5:22 5:32 5:40 5:46 5:49 5:53 6:07 6:21 6:35 6:52 7:26 8:26 9:26 10:26
Kings Meadows Shops, Hobart Rd t6:51 7:25 7:50 d8:12 8:28 8:43 8:48 9:12 8:57 9:03 9:12 - 9:24 9:39 9:54 10:09 10:18 10:24 10:39 10:54 11:09 11:18 11:24 11:39 11:54 12:09 12:18 12:24 12:39 12:54 1:09 1:18 1:24 1:39 1:54 2:09 2:18 2:24 - 2:39 y2:54 v2:54 2:58 3:11 3:24 3:34 3:42 3:53 s3:53 3:59 4:13 s4:17 4:18 4:24 4:34 4:43 4:49 4:59 5:14 5:18 5:25 5:35 5:43 5:49 5:52 5:56 6:10 6:24 6:38 6:55 7:29 8:29 9:29 10:29
Bus continues to YT> YT> YT> - YT> - LONG - YT> CRESSY YT> - YT> - YT> - EVAN YT> - YT> - LONG YT> - YT> - CRESSY YT> - YT> - EVAN YT> - YT> - CRESSY YT> - - YT> YT> EVAN - YT> - - ChifSt CRESSY YT> - - - YT> ClarSt - ChifSt YT> - EVAN YT> ClarSt - ChifSt CRESSY YT> - YT> - LONG YT> Ytown YT> Ytown
ROUTE NUMBER 145 145 792 110 145 794 145 110 145 145 796 110 145 145 792 110 145 796 145 110 145 145 145 145 145
am am am am am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
University, Newnham/Maritime Way - - - 9:55 - - - 11:55 - - - 1:55 - - - 3:55 - - - 5:55 - - - - -
Mowbray Shops, Invermay Rd - - - 10:00 - - - 12:00 - - - 2:00 - - - 4:00 - - - 6:00 - - - - -
Launceston City, St John St Stop A1 8:18 9:15 9:30 10:11 10:15 11:05 11:15 12:11 12:15 1:15 1:30 2:11 2:15 3:15 3:30 4:11 4:15 5:10 5:15 6:09 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20
Launceston General Hospital, Charles St 8:20 9:17 9:35 - 10:17 11:10 11:17 - 12:17 1:17 1:35 - 2:17 3:17 3:35 - 4:17 5:15 5:17 - 6:22 7:22 8:22 9:22 10:22
Sth Launceston, Wellington St/Garfield St 8:23 9:20 9:37 - 10:20 11:12 11:20 - 12:20 1:20 1:37 - 2:20 3:20 3:37 - 4:20 5:17 5:20 - 6:25 7:25 8:25 9:25 10:25
Sth Launceston, Six Ways/Hobart Rd 8:25 9:24 9:40 - 10:24 11:15 11:24 - 12:24 1:24 1:40 - 2:24 3:24 3:40 - 4:24 5:20 5:22 - 6:27 7:27 8:27 9:27 10:27
Kings Meadows Shops, Hobart Rd 8:28 9:27 9:42 - 10:27 11:17 11:27 - 12:27 1:27 1:42 - 2:27 3:27 3:42 - 4:27 5:22 5:25 - 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30
Bus continues to YT> YT> EVAN - YT> LONG YT> - YT> YT> CRESSY - YT> YT> EVAN - YT> CRESSY YT> - YT> YT> Ytown YT> Ytown
Sunday and Public Holidays
ROUTE NUMBER 145 792 145 794 145 145 145 796 145 145 792 145 796 145 145
am am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
Launceston City, St John St Stop A1 9:20 9:30 10:20 11:05 11:20 12:20 1:20 1:30 2:20 3:20 3:30 4:20 5:10 5:20 6:15
Launceston General Hospital, Charles St 9:22 9:35 10:22 11:10 11:22 12:22 1:22 1:35 2:22 3:22 3:35 4:22 5:15 5:22 6:17
Sth Launceston, Wellington St/Garfield St 9:25 9:37 10:25 11:12 11:25 12:25 1:25 1:37 2:25 3:25 3:37 4:25 5:17 5:25 6:20
Sth Launceston, Six Ways/Hobart Rd 9:27 9:40 10:27 11:15 11:27 12:27 1:27 1:40 2:27 3:27 3:40 4:27 5:20 5:27 6:22
Kings Meadows Shops, Hobart Rd 9:30 9:42 10:30 11:17 11:30 12:30 1:30 1:42 2:30 3:30 3:42 4:30 5:22 5:30 6:25
Bus continues to YTown EVAN YTown LONG YTown YTown YTown CRESSY YTown YTown EVAN YTown CRESSY YTown YTown
ChifStChifley St-Ainslie Gr
ClarStClarendon St-Waroona St
dOn school days, service continues as school bus Route 821 to Kings Meadows High School
sService operates on school days only
tService commences from Stop 6 Wellington Street
vService operates during school vacation only
yOn school days, service travels via Youngtown Primary School
YT>Youngtown, then continues as Route 140 to City via Norwood & Newstead
YtownService terminates at Youngtown (Poplar Pde/Piper Ave)
A map of the bus route