Route No.
Service Start
Schools Serviced
St Aloysius Catholic College (Huntingfield Campus), Tarremah Steiner School
City, Sandy Bay, Taroona, Kingston, Summerleas
- Catch the Route 429 bus from Hobart City to Summerleas via Taroona and Sandy Bay Road. This service will depart Franklin Square Stop D1 at 7.47am and arrives at Whitewater Crescent Summerleas at 8.30am. From Whitewater Crescent, the bus will travel express via the Kingston Bypass to St Aloysius Catholic College, arriving at 8.35am.
- Refer to separate information for the Route 412 bus servicing St Aloysius & Tarremah in the afternoon.
Please refer to Metro's Taroona, Summerleas & Huntingfield timetable for further information.