Brooks High School

General Access Services

Route 115 services travel between Rocherlea and Launceston City via Mowbray and Invermay Rd.

Board or alight from services on George Town Rd near Lilydale Rd.


This page refers to services operated by Metro Tasmania only.

For details of services provided by other operators, including general access services, please consult the Department of State Growth website.

Route No.


Service Start


Launceston City, Mowbray, Alanvale, Rocherlea

Launceston City - Invermay Rd - ST FINN BARR PRIMARY SCHOOL - Mowbray - Alanvale Rd - Tompsons Ln - BROOKS HIGH - Rocherlea - BROOKS HIGH - EAST TAMAR PRIMARY

8:14 Launceston City, St John St Stop B1
8:19 Invermay, Invermay Rd Stop 3
8:23 St Finn Barr's Primary School, Invermay Rd Stop 7
8:26 Mowbray Shops, Invermay Rd
8:31 Alanvale TAFE, Alanvale Rd
8:34 Newnham, Tompsons Ln
8:38 Brooks High School
8:42 Rocherlea, Blackwood Dr/Waratah Rd
8:46 Brooks High School
8:50 East Tamar Primary School

Route No.


Service Start


Launceston, Invermay, Mowbray, Mayfield

Launceston City - Invermay Rd - ST FINN BARR'S PRIMARY SCHOOL - Mayfield - BROOKS HIGH SCHOOL

8:20 Launceston City, St John St Stop B1
8:23 Inveresk, Invermay Rd Stop 3
8:28 St Finn Barr's Primary School, Invermay Rd Stop 7
8:31 Mowbray Shops, Invermay Rd
8:36 George Town Rd Stop 13
8:38 Mayfield, Lawson St/Mackay St
8:41 Mayfield, Treherne St/Hume St
8:45 Brooks High School

Route No.


Service Start


Invermay, Launceston City

BROOKS HIGH SCHOOL - [EXPRESS to] INVERMAY PRIMARY SCHOOL - Holbrook St - St John St - Launceston City

3:10 Brooks High School
3:23 Invermay Primary School, Mayne St at corner of Holbrook St
3:30 Launceston City

** NOTE: After departing Brooks High, this bus DOES NOT STOP before Mayne St.

Route No.


Service Start


Schools Serviced
Brooks High School
Mayfield, Mowbray

BROOKS HIGH SCHOOL - Mayfield - Mowbray Shops

3:05 Brooks High School
3:10 Hargrave Cr opp Gregory St
3:15 Mayfield, Mayfield St/Eyre St
3:20 Mowbray Shops, Invermay Rd

Route No.


Service Start


Schools Serviced
Brooks High School
Alanvale, Mowbray, Launceston City

BROOKS HIGH SCHOOL - Alanvale - Mowbray - Invermay Rd - Launceston City

3:10 Brooks High School
3:13 Alanvale, Tompsons Ln/Proctor St
3:16 Alanvale, Franmaree St/Dafnis Dr
3:21 Alanvale, Alanvale Rd TAFE
3:25 Mowbray Shops, Invermay Rd Stop 9
3:31 Inveresk, Invermay Rd Stop 3
3:34 Launceston City, St John St