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New Chairperson appointed for Metro

Ms Lynn Mason has been appointed Chairperson of Metro Tasmania.
Ms Lynn Mason was first appointed as a Director of Metro on 3 March 2008 and was appointed as
Acting Chairperson on 23 May 2013. Ms Mason said today it was a challenging but exciting time to
be Chairperson of Metro.
“After some strong gains in passenger numbers following the introduction of Greencard, we have
seen a decline in full fare paying adult passengers over the past couple of years and are looking at
ways to turn that around,” Ms Mason said.
Ms Mason said innovations such as the Turn Up and Go Transit Corridor trial from Glenorchy to
Hobart CBD starting on Sunday and a soon to be launched state-wide patronage campaign were
among measures aimed at bringing people back to public bus transport.
Metro was also undertaking a major workplace project involving all staff, the Chief Executive Officer,
management and the Board which would benefit employees and improve services to customers.
Ms Mason is Chairperson of the Tasmanian Community Fund, a Director of Furneaux Aquaculture
Pty Ltd and is a partner in the partnership of JM and NL Mason which owns and runs grazing
property in Carrick and on Flinders Island. She is also a director of Crime Stoppers Tasmania
Ms Mason is past President of the Local Government Association of Tasmania, past Mayor of
Flinders Council and past Senior Vice President of the Australian Local Government Association.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Ms Mason’s appointment was made by the shareholder Tasmanian Government Ministers: the
Premier and Treasurer Lara Giddings and the Minister for Sustainable Transport, Nick McKim.