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Media Releases

Metro statement on stop work meeting in Launceston

An ARTBIU stop work meeting will prevent Metro Tasmania from operating any bus services in Launceston on Thursday 7 March 2019 between 10am and 2pm.

Metro Chief Executive Officer Megan Morse said Metro was disappointed that the union had chosen to initiate industrial action which would disrupt Metro services and the travel plans of thousands of Tasmanians at the late stages of a bargaining process which Metro had approached in good faith.

“As a state-owned company, Metro’s pay offer is consistent with government policy,” she said.

“Metro will be striving to minimise the impacts of this action for customers, and we encourage intending passengers to visit before travelling during the expected stop work period in Launceston.”

Launceston travellers can see details of the 144 affected services online at

Released by:

Nicolas Turner
Tel: 6210 5206 or 0418 538 865