Metro to remove two Kingston routes
Metro Tasmania is advising passengers in Kingston of the removal of two routes due to low
Metro’s Acting Chief Executive Officer Anthony James said today Metro would remove
inward route 82 and outward route 72 services effective from Friday 18 July 2014.
Metro Tasmania has been operating routes 72 and 82 between Denison St Kingston and
Hobart City via the Southern Outlet since the opening of the Denison Street Park and Ride
facility in 2010.
One daily route 82 service departs Kingston at the Denison St Park and Ride in the morning
and travels via Kingston Central and the Southern Outlet to the City. The five daily route 72
services in the afternoon follow the same route in reverse.
Mr James said that the services were carrying on average less than 10 passengers per trip.
An alternative service for the morning route 82 to the City at 7.24am is the route 96 service
that departs Denison Street at 7.23am. Alternative services for the five route 72 services to
Denison St between 4.07pm and 5.55pm are services on route 74.
All services on routes 74, 75, 84, 85 & 86 between Hobart and Kingston / Blackmans Bay, as
well as Channel routes 92 to 98 will continue to operate as per the current timetable.