Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union action – 24 February
Metro believes that the repair and maintenance work on the CCTV equipment on its buses fits within the scope of the work required of the diesel mechanics / auto electricians employed in the maintenance team.
Metro has tabled with the AMWU why It believes this is the case, and has asked questions of the union about its position. These questions remain unanswered.
Historically, the mechanics / auto electricians have been responsible for CCTV infrastructure maintenance. About 12 months ago CCTV software tasks (including checking wiring connections and using specialist software to identify faults) were transitioned to the maintenance team and appropriate training on site provided.
Metro believes these tasks are an adaptation of the team’s day-to-day work.
Metro believes that the consolidation of all CCTV tasks provides a more efficient means of resolving issues. and getting buses back into operation.
Metro continues to be available to meet with the AMWU on the matter.
In addition, there are dispute resolution clauses within the team’s Enterprise Agreement to resolve matters of this type. So far the union has chosen not to use this mechanism to resolve the issue.
There is no safety risk to the public as the CCTV maintenance continues to be completed.