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Launceston Network Changes

Launceston Bus Mall

Changes to the Launceston network now effective as of 15 January 2023

Waverley, St Leonards, South Launceston, Riverside, and Trevallyn services have been changed as of Sunday, 15 January 2023.

The Department of State Growth funded a trial of three new interpeak connector services (routes 122, 151, and 152) and interpeak services on the existing route 147 in January 2020.

The Department evaluated passenger data and community feedback on the trial and has made changes to some services to improve public transport in Launceston.

Waverly to Mowbray route 122

Trial route 122 no longer operates due to low patronage. Waverley and Ravenswood customers should use route 120, 121 and 130 to connect to the CBD, then transfer to the Mowbray Turn Up and Go service.  SEE 122 TIMETABLE

South Launceston to Launceston route 147
The trial interpeak services no longer operates. Existing peak services remain.
Customers now need to walk to Wellington Street/Hobart Road to access the high-frequency Kings Meadows Turn Up and Go service, which will operate every 15 minutes. SEE 147 TIMETABLE

West Riverside, North Riverside and Trevallyn to Launceston route 150, 151, 152
The hilly areas of Trevallyn (Delungra and Reatta Roads) now have better access to the CBD, and medical and retail services on the West Tamar Highway at Riverside.

  • Services per weekday for Delungra and Reatta Roads have significantly increased from two to 16.
  • Route 151 has been extended to include Reatta and Delungra Roads – there are still six services per weekday.
  • Route 152 has been extended to West Riverside and operates more frequently – there are now 10 services per day instead of two.
  • Route 150 timetable has been adjusted to ensure better service coverage throughout the day.

Some timetable changes around school times now make services easier to understand and increase capacity.

  • A route 845 school bus have changed to a route 152 from the CBD at 7:38am, which will arrive at Riverside High School at 8:10am on school days.
  • The route 150t at 2.58pm from the CBD to West Riverside has changed to route 152 for consistency.
  • The route 150 at 8:38am from West Riverside to the CBD has changed to route 152 departing at 8:20am, so Trevallyn Primary School students are able to get off the bus at the school instead of Bald Hill Road.
  • The route 150 at 7:58am from West Riverside now operates year-round for consistency, instead of school days only.

SEE 150, 151, 152 TIMETABLE

Overall, Trevallyn now has 39 services per day compared to 43, but services cover a wider area, such as Delungra and Reatta Roads.

St Leonards to Launceston Route 131 service
Route 131 has increased to eight services per weekday to improve access to the CBD for residents in Station Road, Johnston Road, and upper Penquite Road.  SEE 131 TIMETABLE