Easter opening hours and timetables
Metro Shop and depot opening hours over the Easter holidays are as follows:
Metro Shop: closed from Friday 14 April to Monday 17 April, resuming opening hours 9.00am- 6.00pm Tuesday 18 April.
Metro information hotline: closed from Friday 14 April to Monday 17 April, resuming opening hours 7.00am-7.00pm Tuesday 18 April.
Launceston and Burnie depots: closed to customers over the Easter weekend from Good Friday to Easter Monday, resuming normal opening hours on Tuesday 18 April.
Hobart depot: closed to customers over the Easter weekend from Good Friday to Easter Tuesday, resuming normal opening hours on Wednesday 19 April.
The following timetables will operate over the Easter period:
Good Friday 14 April 2017- Sunday/Public holiday timetable
Saturday 15 April 2017- Saturday timetable
Easter Sunday 16 April 2017- Sunday/Public holiday timetable
Easter Monday 17 April 2017- Sunday/Public holiday timetable
Tuesday 18 April 2017- Weekday vacation timetable (school services will not run)
Good Friday 14 April 2017- Sunday/Public holiday timetable
Saturday 15 April 2017- Saturday timetable
Easter Sunday 16 April 2017- Sunday/Public holiday timetable
Easter Monday 17 April 2017- Sunday/Public holiday timetable
Tuesday 18 April 2017- Weekday vacation timetable (school services will not run)
Good Friday 14 April 2017- Sunday/Public holiday timetable (no services operating except for Latrobe to Burnie)
Saturday 15 April 2017- Saturday timetable
Easter Sunday 16 April 2017- Sunday/Public holiday timetable (no services operating except for Latrobe to Burnie)
Easter Monday 17 April 2017- Sunday/Public holiday timetable (no services operating except for Latrobe to Burnie)
Tuesday 18 April 2017- Weekday vacation timetable (school services will not run)
For more information contact Metro’s customer service hotline on 13 22 01 or email us at correspondence@metrotas.com.au