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Request for Expressions of Interest for the Supply of 100 Buses

Request for Expressions of Interest for the Supply of 100 Buses

Metro Tasmania Pty Ltd (Metro) is a state owned company operating bus services in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie, and the largest passenger transport company in Tasmania.

As announced in the recent State Budget, the Tasmanian community is set to benefit from a once in a generation bus upgrade and modernisation program through the State Government’s commitment to provide funds over the next four years.

Metro requires 100 low floor wheelchair accessible 12.5 metre buses to be provided to it over a three to four year period by an appropriately qualified company or business. Metro now invites Expressions of Interest for the supply of the buses.

This constitutes the first stage of the procurement process, from which Metro will formulate a shortlist of potential suppliers.  Those shortlisted potential suppliers will then be invited to participate in the second stage of the procurement process, entailing the submission of detailed tenders in response to a Request for Tender.

The successful tenderer will then be required to enter into a contract for the supply of the buses.

The Request for Expressions of Interest document is available from the contact officer by emailing

Respondents are encouraged to engage with Tasmania’s advanced manufacturing industry with a view to having the buses assembled or manufactured in Tasmania, and provide opportunities for local businesses to supply customisation and fit-out work.

Respondents are required to attend a mandatory industry briefing as detailed below.

Industry Briefing for the Supply of 100 Buses for

  • Potential Respondents to the Request for Expressions of Interest
  • Tasmania’s Advanced Manufacturing Industry


Potential respondents to the REOI and manufacturing industry organisations with a Tasmanian presence are invited to attend an industry briefing.

The briefing will outline the aims and objectives of the procurement, offer an opportunity for attendees to ask questions about the specifications and process, and provide a forum for potential respondents to liaise with local manufacturing industry stakeholders.

The briefing will be held at 10.00am on 6 July 2016 in Hobart, Tasmania. All persons intending to attend the briefing must register by emailing by 12.00pm on 1 July 2016.  Venue details will be provided to registered attendees.